Seismic Alert Systems – Which 3 Attributes Must They Have?
Understanding Earthquake and the Pacific Ring of Fire
Earthquakes, tremors, and seismicity are familiar terms used in relation to earth movements. The seismic activity originates in the interior of the Earth, and the waves produced are propagated in all directions. These are sudden, unpredictable events. Based on experience and history, it can be detected where the motions of Earth´s tectonic plates causing earthquakes are likely to occur. The zone with the most intense seismic activity on the planet is called the Pacific Ring of Fire, where 80-90% of all worldwide earthquakes and volcanic eruptions take place, including the most devastating ones.

The Pacific Ring of Fire is a large circle of volcanos and tectonic structures all around the Pacific Ocean. The countries affected in this area include Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, part of the United States and Canada, and the Aleutian Trench. Also, the coastal areas of Russia, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia and the islands of the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, Samoa, Tuvalu and New Zealand form the part of the Ring.
Essential Features of an Effective Seismic Alert Systems
When an earthquake is approaching, immediate action must be taken. The core of the warning system is a reliable seismic sensor that can detect any severe shaking movement, but only the sensor is not enough. There are just a few seconds or minutes left for people to seek rescue; therefore, they must hear the alert signal without delay.
1. 24/7/365 Monitoring
Seismic sensors must continuously monitor the seismic activity and be always ready to trigger the alarm, which must be well audible and intelligible by the nearby population. A warming system must be operable in every weather and all circumstances.
2. Automatic Operation
As seismicity and its power are impossible to predict, even seconds matter. The automation of the system permits a prompt action. Also, the system must be operable even in case of power failure and/or communications breakdown. Its smooth operation can be ensured by the combination of an efficient seismic sensor and an electronic siren capable of the immediate and automatic issuance of a seismic alarm to the population.
3. No false alarms
If an alarm is sounded too frequently without any serious reason, people become resistant and indifferent, and in case of a real emergency, they may downplay the seriousness of the alert. Therefore, it is crucial that sensors do not produce false alarms.
Do you also need a seismic alert system? Contact us.

The Telegrafia company, in cooperation with local partners, has already installed such warning systems in several countries. Read more about the seismic warning systems in Mexico, Colombia, and Ecuador.
Sirens warn just seconds before the earthquake arrives in Chiapas and Oaxaca, Mexico
Importance of Prevention

The article was written by
Petra Rychtarcikova
Petra is an international business manager in charge of Spanish, French and Portuguese-speaking countries. Petra, with her global, economic and logistic background and knowledge of four languages, does very productive and responsible work for Telegrafia. Latin-American affairs, travelling, tourism and electronic sirens are her hobbies, and she is pleased to bring you exciting information from the Telegrafia world.