Telegrafia Assists in the Renovation of Fire Stations
The decision to renovate the existing fire station or to build an entirely new one leaves many aspects to consider. For both options above, it is necessary to meet multiple operational and financial requirements. Many fire brigades have been struggling with inefficient, dilapidated and outdated facilities for many years.
Setting up the Goals
One of the primary goals in the renovation a central fire station is to have a facility that meets the needs of the community and is expected to last well into the future. Therefore, two tasks are crucial: to ensure the maximum operational readiness of the firefighting apparatus and to fulfil all the statutory duties imposed on the fire department.
How can Telegrafia Help?
Small Sirens for Imminent Warning
The small Bono or Screamer siren can serve as an instant audio warning device, and it can be activated by a simple push button. The siren can be installed inside a fire station for summoning the firefighters. If needed, a more sophisticated siren, for example, Gibon or Pavian, can be used outside a fire station for warning the local population in case of a fire or another emergency.
Portable Warning Sirens
The Pavian Car mobile siren is a perfect choice in a variety of situations such as explosions, forest fires, leakages of dangerous substances, floods and the like. It is designed primarily for the installation on vehicles and other means of transport. The two prominent features of the siren include the possibility of wireless remote control and live voice transmission.
Control Centre with Three Key Features
A control centre must provide space for the potential future extension of a fire station and also meet today’s standards for communications centres. With the Vektra software®, you can conduct the fire station operations automatically and efficiently using a unified user interface.
1. Summoning the Officers
Vektra® Notification is used to gather all first responders to the site in emergencies. It can be used in emergencies to summon the firefighters according to a pre-configured schedule, or in non-emergency situations.
2. Staff and Resources Management
Vektra® Emergency and Rescue Management can automate all critical processes in fire stations. It can help you to organise and deliver high-quality services while maintaining your efficiency. It allows making and storing electronic records of events, human and financial resources, supply inventories and rescue equipment, and managing, supervising, evaluating, updating and systematic archiving of the documents.
3. Building Management System Control
Software application Vektra® Scada enables you to control the communications installations that operate mechanical services such as air-conditioning, lighting, ventilation, entry systems, and visual signalisation. In emergencies, the software application activates warning and notification processes, using pre-set operations for specific events based on user requirements.
All Features as a Package within a One-in-All Control Panel
If you prefer a small control centre for your fire station, we recommend using the OCP 16 control panel. This compact device can replace multiple other single-purpose devices. It offers you a warning and notification application, which you can learn more about here.
The efficiency of a fire station is essential, while its response time being the most critical factor. The Telegrafia Company, making good use of its valuable experience, can seriously tackle any requirement. We are happy to provide you with an optimal bespoke solution which then will become a vital part of the fire station renovation.
The article was written by
Monika Siserova
Monika is an international business manager for Balkan, Benelux and Scandinavian states. She worked with a diverse range of organisations, including government institutions, IGOs in the field of migration, private sector and non-profits. The mentioned experience laid a sound foundation for a challenging and meaningful job she has in the Telegrafia Company. Therefore, she is very excited about bringing you the latest news from the field of early warning and notification systems.