Radio Has Always Been with Us: About the Importance of PA Systems
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Radio is certainly not ready for the scrap heap. Although it has changed form in the days of digital technologies, it is still one of the most effective means of communication and spatial distribution of information and essential audio messages.
Radio, also known as a PA system (literally a system for addressing the public), can cover a large area and drown out noise quickly and efficiently. Technologically, it is an assembly of a microphone, sending a signal to an amplifier, altering the signal, and a loudspeaker, playing the resulting signal in one or more locations.
Once a megaphone, now a digital system
Since ancient times, the megaphone has been used to amplify the human voice. Its conical shape can channel sound mechanically. However, it was not until the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries that the first loudspeaker and amplifier systems began to appear. They were used at sports and musical events and at public performances. A significant development came later, especially during the Second World War.
Today’s PA systems are entirely digital and can do so much more. Systems such as Amadeo and Johan from Telegrafia combine digital sound reproduction and modularity. This means that the system can contain various devices (for example, temperature or chemical concentration sensors, computer software, or mobile devices) and sound the room with multiple signals. In addition to the live voice from the microphone, the system can also amplify the sound of an externally sourced audio file or radio broadcast. Another advantage is that a modern PA system can interconnect several control panels within an existing network.
Where to find PA systems
Thanks to their modularity, today’s PA systems have an extensive range of applications in both the public and private spheres. Here are a few areas where you will commonly find them:
- Industrial plants, especially in the heavy industry, chemical production, or the energy industry, where noise needs to be drowned out. PA systems are also used in industrial buildings, where it is necessary to distribute announcements over a considerable distance. These are often large digital systems with a variety of sensors.
- Transport facilities, such as airports, stations, ports, and means of transport, such as ships.
- Public areas, for example, schools, towns, or villages where PA systems are used to inform and alert the population.
- Sports and cultural facilities, for instance, concert halls, stadiums, or golf clubs.
Why radio is still important today
The most crucial function of PA systems is to alert and inform in an emergency. They can perform this task much better than mobile notifications or other media. The reason is that PA systems can disseminate an audible warning very quickly and over a large area. Audible alarms (sirens) are ingrained in our culture because they are spread efficiently – a person only needs to be nearby and not look at any device.
Nowadays, thanks to the development of technology, it is also possible to build a PA/warning system to measure, regardless of the size of the area, the noise, or the requirements for diverse types of announcements. Nor is it limited only by sound. When an alarm is activated, other devices can also be programmed to start working automatically; for example, a ventilation system, barrier opening, a visual signalisation system, or mobile notification services. In this manner, a multi-level, all-in-one comprehensive alerting and communication system is created.
The article was written by
Zuzana Janočková
Zuzana works at Telegrafia at the marketing department. Her main responsibility is to keep an eye on Google Ads and Facebook. Online marketing is changing all the time, giving her the chance to expand her knowledge constantly and put it into real practice. After work, she relaxes best by going to the gym and watching good films.