Early Warning and Notification System on the Border between Ukraine and Slovakia
Cross-border cooperation programme for readiness during natural disasters
This project was created in January 2014 within the framework of the HUSKROUA (Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine) cross-border cooperation programme to improve safety and readiness for natural disasters in the Zakarpatsky Region in Ukraine and the Kosicky Region in Slovakia. The main dangers that may occur in these regions are floods on the Uzh, Bodrog, Latorica and Tisa rivers, causing human casualties, significant destruction, and material damage.
It was decided by the local authorities that an early warning and notification system will be built, covering all areas endangered by flood in both regions, in order to mitigate the consequences of such disasters and improve safety of the above-mentioned regions.
The authorities invited tenders for the system project, its installation and personal training. Telegrafia a.s. became the winner in Slovakia, in collaboration with its Ukrainian partner.
Technical aspects of the early warning system project
As a result, 40 electronic sirens, 4 relay units, and one control centre were installed in Ukraine, and 42 electronic sirens and 4 relay units, and one control centre were installed in Slovakia. In addition, full training was provided for the responsible persons in both countries. The project was successfully completed in 2016. Total amount of investment in this project was over 2 mil. €.
Both countries concerned, however dissimilar, decided to put their efforts together and built a common warning system to face the same potential danger, serving as a good example to be followed by other countries.
The article was written by
Petra Rychtarcikova
Petra is an international business manager in charge of Spanish, French and Portuguese-speaking countries. Petra, with her global, economic and logistic background and knowledge of four languages, does very productive and responsible work for Telegrafia. Latin-American affairs, travelling, tourism and electronic sirens are her hobbies, and she is pleased to bring you exciting information from the Telegrafia world.